As computing devices become smaller and more numerous, powering them becomes more difficult; wires are often not feasible, and batteries add weight, bulk, cost, and require recharging/replacement that is impractical at large scales. Ambient backscatter communication solves this problem by leveraging existing TV and cellular transmissions, rather than generating their   Read More ...

WiSee is the first whole-home gesture recognition system using wireless signals. Since wireless signals do not require line-of-sight and can traverse through walls, WiSee can enable whole-home gesture recognition using few wireless sources (e.g., a Wi-Fi router and a few mobile devices in the living room). Our results show that   Read More ...

Technology trends and economic forces are moving us toward a world in which personal information is valuable, and companies have an incentive to obtain as much of it as possible. Targeted advertising, for example, has revolutionized revenue generation, but while this is good for companies, the implications for user privacy   Read More ...

WProf is a tool that extracts dependencies of activities during a page load. For Web developers, WProf can help identify the bottleneck activities of your Web pages. For browser architects, WProf can relate page load bottlenecks to either Web standards or browser implementation choices.

We propose to build a tool, Triceratops, for securing mobile applications. It allows any user to protect his or her personal information from malicious mobile apps, in ways that are not possible today. Triceratops takes a mobile app with a set of security policies as input, and generates a secured   Read More ...

Arrakis is a new operating system that is designed around recent application and hardware trends: Applications are becoming so complex that they are miniature operating systems in their own right and are fighting with already established OS services. For example, a web browser needs to protect itself against untrusted scripts   Read More ...

A New Baseline for the Web Free web services often face growing pains. In the current client-server access model, the cost of providing a service increases with its popularity. This leads organizations that want to provide services free-of-charge to rely to donations, advertisements, or mergers with larger companies to cope   Read More ...

Blocking-Resistant Network Services The desire for uncensored access to the Internet has motivated the development of both open proxies like Tor and social graph-based overlays like FreeNet. However, neither design is sufficient, as relays in open proxies are easily exposed and blocked, and overlays based just on social trust suffer   Read More ...